Thank you for your Internet communication requesting information from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT). I appreciate the opportunity to address your concern.
The description of a double yellow line that is in the MUTCD is as follows:
Two-direction no-passing zone markings consisting of two normal solid yellow lines where crossing the centerline markings for passing is prohibited for traffic traveling in either direction.
The centerline markings on undivided two-way roadways with four or more lanes for moving motor vehicle traffic always available shall be the two-direction no-passing zone markings consisting of two normal solid yellow lines.By definition the double yellow line only prohibits PASSING and not turning.
Unless there is a sign that specifically prohibits making a u-turn or a sign the prohibits either the right or left turn, the pavement markings alone do not prohibit these movements.
I hope you find this information helpful. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact NJDOT.
Kris Kolluri, Commissioner