Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lakewood moving forward

Singer, Coles, Cunliffe & Miller
January 9, 2006

RE: Sign placement conformance & light signals.

Dear Mayor & Committee members,

Please be advised as I have previously written & stated publicly that some of the signs & lights are not in conformance with the MUTCD & NJDOT regulations.

All of the Stop & Yield in residential & commercial areas must be a minimum of 7 feet to the bottom of the sign.

In rural areas it must be a minimum of 5 feet to the bottom of the sign, unless there is pedestrian traffic then it must be 7 feet to the bottom of the sign.

The above was brought to the Township’s attention over a year ago and until that time that all of the signs are brought into compliance there shouldn’t be enforcement of something that doesn’t comply with the relevant regulations.

Please notify the proper authorities in the Police Department & the Municipal Court that we shouldn’t be enforcing these signs that aren’t in compliance.

The “NO TURN ON RED” is to be “installed near the appropriate signal head”.
Please have the Municipal signs placed in their correct position, and notify the County & State to place their “No turn on red” installed near the signal head.

The required time interval for a yellow is from 3-6 seconds according to the MUTCD which was adopted by the NJDOT. The 3 second interval would be for the slower range of speeds 25-35 MPH and the longer interval up to 6 seconds would be for the higher speeds of 55-65 MPH.

Some of the yellow lights are set too short (less than 3 seconds) which is a dangerous situation & summonses are issued which shouldn’t be issued.

The other Traffic & safety issue that is long in waiting is making the streets from 6th Street to 9th Street between Forest Ave & Lakewood Ave into one-way streets, which would alleviate congestion, increase safety & Parking.

Thank you,

Yehuda Shain

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